The same lady who sent me the wonderful floor tiling has just sent me a sheet of green tiles for the front of the shop.
I saw these green tiles on EBay and they immediately reminded me of several Birmingham pub fronts of my youth. I made a bid on the five sheets knowing I only wanted one so eventually I wasn't prepared to go up to the finish price. When I knew I had lost the bid, I emailed Maureen to see if I could order just one sheet and bob's your whiskers she had sent me a single sheet, no charge again. She is sooo kind.
If I hadn't been doing Chocolat I would have smothered the shop front with all the lovely patterns, but sadly it needed to look like an ex pub not a fishmongers and it did this job perfectly. I am now plotting and scheming all kinds of art nouveau type shop fronts in the future so I can use her stuff. It really is the best I've ever seen.
Find her here: mm miniatures
I love this shop front and have used it myself for an epicerie and a ladies shop. It looks great with the tile!
Thank you. If I hadn't been doing a re-do I would have used cream and a chocolatey maroon, but it would have taken three coats to get cream over the established green and that way you lose any detail - so the tiles were to umph it up a little. I am reading your blog from the beginning so hope I come across the epicerie and ladies shop.