Friday, 30 August 2013

Free Gift

This is last month's free gift from Dolls House & Miniature Scene magazine - a pick-up pencil.  Utterly great - how have I ever managed without one.  Seriously.  Have you ever tried to separate these fiddly metallic confetti-type things let alone (wo)man-handle them into place on a project.  Et voilà! ....a pick up pencil.  As you can see looks like an ordinary coloured pencil and sharpens in the same way but it has a bit of a tacky 'lead'.  Exactly the right amount of tacky - it picks up and releases just as you want it to.  I suppose when it gets grubby you just sharpen in.  I will be distraught when it becomes a stub - I hope it sees me out.


  1. What an interesting tool! :D

  2. Yup, if you see one - get one, recommend it.


  3. Hi Em! I looks like this could be the greatest invention since sliced bread!


  4. Never heard of it, but looks really interesting! Will check my local store when I have time.

  5. I promise you it really works much better than tweezers for this sort of thing.


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